The Green Box Facility

The Green Box Facility






Written by Jeff Gress

What exactly is trash? Is it that television show you stopped watching
years ago although they still haven’t canceled it? That book you
finished reading that you should’ve known from the cover picture wasn’t
going to be worth your time? Or that movie you saw in the theater that
wasn’t nearly as good as the empty popcorn container you threw in the
trash can after the credits rolled?

According to the dictionary, trash is anything that is considered
worthless, useless or discarded; rubbish.

Whatever you consider trash now, you may want to stop and reconsider
because this may blow your mind.

I recently spoke with Michael Castro of Global Renewable Energy
Technologies, Inc and this guy is the real deal! Get this, his company is
turning trash into ENERGY! Yeah! you heard

right. Electricity!!! CLEAN Electricity!!! Using a Plasma-Enhanced
Melter (PEM) he can turn plastic into oil, and, I love this one, it turns
trash into pure drinking water, add Black MP Living Water’s probiotics
and minerals and now you have the healthiest water money can

buy! All with this PEM device that burns hotter than the sun.

I know, you’re probably thinking why not cut out the middleman and just
throw trash at the sun? Go ahead, I’ll wait...

You back? How’d that work out for you?

I asked Michael how I could get one of these devices because I don’t
know about you but I’m tired of separating my trash into what “I” think is
recyclable and regular trash and rolling those blue and green trash cans
to the curb. Unfortunately, those puppies cost twelve million dollars for
just the device alone so we’re not there yet.

But when it comes to saving this planet, I’m a big fan.

What a massive step forward! Eliminating the waste that goes into the
ocean that often poisons our fish AND getting rid of the landfills,





allowing us to reduce high levels of cancer caused from groundwater
leakage. Let’s re-use this space for something fun. What a win!

We dump 220 million tons of trash in these landfills annually. That’s
equivalent to 87,000 football stadiums filled with trash two meters deep
every single year. I like football. I hate trash. What about you?

I’m looking at trash in a whole new way.

Turning trash into something as valuable as energy sounds too good to
be true, but there are companies already doing this. Even DOW
Chemical company, in Michigan, has a facility that takes plastic and
turns it into hydrochloric acid for their own use.

So, what does this mean for the average person? It means living in a
cleaner world with less trash. A world where trash can actually reverse
the Greenhouse Effect and the only time you’ll see barges overflowing
with trash being taken out to sea is when you watch old movies.

This green box facility recoups its expenses rapidly and will give back to
the community many times over, benefitting people all over the world
and strengthening the economy. It is the best solution, a cost effective
and eco-friendly resolution to our global waste problem!

This is something you can help with. Spread the word, not the
trash. Jump on board. Feel free to ask Michael questions and learn
more about what you can do to help turn this proven concept into a

Until then I’ll keep rolling my trash to the curb and hoping people wake
up and jump on this train. My hat’s off to Michael Castro and all the
fantastic people over at Global Renewable Energy Technologies,

Inc. Keep fighting the good fight.

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